Wednesday, June 6, 2012

50 shades of brown.

A little earlier today I read a post on facebook about how black men are being disconnected from their black women.  The person went on to say that black men have been brainwashed to want a weaker women and that is why they don't date black women.  I am not here to bash any race.  I don't think it's fair to say that other races have those weaker women that black men supposedly want.  How are you supposed to help who you fall in love with? Just because you are the same race does not mean you're meant to be together. My mother raised me to understand that love doesn't see different skin colors. If you connect with someone and have that chemistry that most people want so bad, why should the fact that they might be Black, White, Mexican, Asian, or any other race matter at all?

Men and women that date people of other races have to deal with disapproving family, friends and most likely, society.  If you are a weak minded person, how are you going to date someone that you know people will judge you for? There are people out there that need everyone's approval to be happy; those are weak-minded people.  I am not saying that everyone that is in a same-race relationship is weak. If they connect with that person good for them.  I am simply saying, that I am not a black woman and I am dating a black man and I do not consider myself weak minded. I can feel the eyes on me sometimes when I am walking on campus to class with my boyfriend.  Indian men probably judging me.  Those looks don't phase me because I know what I have with my man is what I want.  I have felt glaring eyes at me as well from black women.  I haven't done anything wrong by falling in love.    

 I, personally, am a fan of interracial relationships (maybe I'm a little biased, oh well).  I think that interracial relationships help people grow in a different way.  You learn of different cultures and lifestyles. Those relationships can help people see different sides of the same coin sometimes.  I am so glad to be dating my boyfriend. I love introducing him to different parts of  my culture and learning about my own culture in the process. I don't look at him and see a black man; I just see someone that makes me happier than I've ever been.  Thank you, Brandon for being the reason I can be sitting completely alone and be smiling because of a memory that I have with you. <3

Over and out. 


  1. So much wisdom at such a young age! Very well articulated. Nothing more for me to add or say. I agree with you completely.

  2. As a black woman, let me tell you that the looks you get from black women that appear glaring are not them hating you or your boyfriend. Those looks are most likely looks of hurt. Black women are the only women who do not have a certain level of loyalty from their own men. Many of our men are putting us down for women of other races because they think Euro-centric looking features are more attractive. Many of our men also use dating women of other races as a status symbol. Knowing these things about our black men pains us, and seeing one of them with a woman of another race is simply a reminder of our loss. Many women of other races have not lost anything. Men of other cultures are willing to date them, but unfortunately the singles-sea for black women is a small one. We are stereotyped as loud, indignant, and ignorant. Because of these reasons men of other races are not very open to dating us even if we were to try to initiate such a relationship. The purpose of this comment is not to disagree with you. You are right. Love SHOULD be colorblind. The purpose of this comment is to give you insight into the emotions behind the eyes of black women who gaze at you and your boyfriend as you walk by.

    Take care BonBon ;-) Much love you and your man! Miss you!
