Monday, August 5, 2013


Yesterday was a terrible day.  I could go into detail about how terrible it was but let's just say that my car shut down twice.  The first time, a friend came over to help me jump start it.  We tried for a whole hour to no avail.  After waiting for three hours, finally the tow truck came and was able to jump start it so I could drive it to autozone.  Then a few hours later, my car stops again.  Anywhos, I spent most of this morning trying to get someone to come and tow it to another auto shop.

Needless to say that along with all the studying that I was supposed to be doing, I am far behind in school and I'm spending a crap load of money on my retarded car.  It is okay though.

Today, just now actually, I came to the conclusion, that maybe this is all a test. My patience was worn so thin yesterday and this morning, especially after I had to walk home from the auto shop.  I am realizing more than ever that things do not always go the way that they are planned.  Before, even when plans with friends went kaput, I would get upset.  However, this week has shown me that nothing ever works out the way that you want it to.  I wanted to just make it through this week studying and working and spending time here and there to enjoy myself since it is finals week but, that is not happening.  I have accepted it and it's okay.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

I feel oddly serene even with the extra 400 dollars I'm going to spend on my car, the 70 muscles I have to memorize and the three finals I have to take.  I feel like I can just brush it off my shoulder. 

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